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If gadgets are replacing a child’s communication with mom and dad


Recently a mother came for a consultation with a 3-year-old girl. The little girl hardly spoke at all. “But she’s great with a tablet and a phone,” the mother told me.

The generation of “screen children” is starting to grow up, and the consequences of this phenomenon are already evident: delays in speech development among these kids, mental development disorders, vision, movement deficits, bad posture. Today’s parents need to realize that children’s addiction to gadgets – it’s not a problem of children, it’s a problem of parents!

Although the children of the XXI century can not imagine their life without a phone or tablet, young parents need to learn to choose the golden mean. Of course, you can not treat gadgets categorically, and try to avoid them completely. There are times when they are necessary and make our lives easier.

Set a personal example for your child.
In many families, coming home from work, Dad sits in front of the computer and starts playing “Tanks”, mom can not tear away from the social networks, and the baby hung in a tablet. It turns out that contact with family is lost, and you are slowly starting to drift away from each other. So in the first place, reduce your own time which you spend with gadgets.

More live communication. Speech acquisition happens only in live communication, when the baby responds to another person, when he/she is included in the dialogue, and is included not only by hearing and articulation, but with all of his/her actions, thoughts and feelings.

3 Play together. You must play with your preschooler and do it every day. Play is a necessary stage and a prerequisite for the proper development of the child. Role-playing, plot and object games not only satisfy his main needs, but are also a prerequisite for the birth and development of speech.

Involve your child in family life. One way to distract your child from his addiction to gadgets is to involve him in socially useful work. Ask your baby to help you. It doesn’t matter what he has to do, as long as he feels the importance of his contribution to the family cause.

Walking in the fresh air. Staying outdoors should be at least 1 time a day in virtually all weather – and this is an undeniable fact, which also has a beneficial effect both on the speech development of the karapuz, and on his health in general.

Dinner – off-line. If possible, at least in the evening get together at the family table, do not turn on TV, put away your tablets and phones, tell them how your day was, ask your children what interesting happened in kindergarten or school.

A bedtime book instead of a “shooter” Gadgets before bedtime are a sure way to insomnia and depression. The blue glow of the screen and electromagnetic radiation all reduce the production of melatonin, which is responsible for a restful sleep. For a smooth transition to sleep, the best option is a book.

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